Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Some Thoughts on School

I am taking three classes at Cascadia College this semester. Biology of the Human Body, English 102, and Environmental Sustainability.

The theme for my English class is food and ag, and basically the environmental sustainability of it all. The Enviro. course is also discussing this, and today in the Bio class we discussed water, its sustainability, availability... etc. etc.

Do we see a pattern here?

I have already been slowly shifting my ideas on food, consumer products, grocery stores and the like. In fact one of the things I loved about Seattle is that Pikes Market is just filled with natural products, small business and such.

Here is a simple fact: our economy is in flux. The big business model has one fatal flaw. It makes money by having fewer workers who do more work for less money, assembly lines, etc etc.

When you buy directly from the person who makes your item, handmade online or off, then you are giving business to that particular person. If you do so at, say, farmers markets or boutiques then you are cutting out all that oil based processing and transport (trucks, robots, assembly lines) and what you are getting truly has less of an environmental impact then what you would get at, say Walmart or QFC.

If you buy local products, or even semi local products, then your personal carbon footprint will be smaller, and you will vote with your dollars to tell big corporations to bring industry to your neck of the woods, not shipping it out, and shipping back the product, because frankly the shipping of things overseas is a HUGE waste of oil reserves, and another oil spill disaster waiting to happen.

And if you think about it so much can be done via the web now, transfer data from one country to another and produce the finished product in that country, cutting costs of transport, and being more environmentally conscious.

Anyway, that is my rant for the day.

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